Bridge welcomes the news that mental health has been recognised as a priority in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. ‘Healthy Greenwich, Healthy People’ was launched on 14th October at a conference in the Millennium Suite at The Valley. The new strategy is aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of everyone living in the borough.
Councillors, local health leaders and community organisations have pledged to improve health and wellbeing in Royal Greenwich over the next three years. The strategy has been drawn up by the Greenwich Health and Wellbeing Board, a partnership of organisations providing services to, or representing, local people.
It is chaired by Cllr Denise Hyland, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Chair of the Greenwich Health and Wellbeing Board. The strategy focuses on tackling the problem of obesity and improving the mental wellbeing of all who live and work in the borough.
Over 100 people, representing a wide range of health and public services, community organisations, businesses, schools, colleges and community groups, were at the official launch.
Bridge Mental Health CEO Raymond Sheehy, who spoke at the launch, said: “It’s vital that health and mental wellbeing remain a priority for the borough. Services need to implement the strategy in their continued work to support the many people across the area who have mental health difficulties, as well as having a crucial role in prevention and maintaining the mental wellbeing of everyone in the borough.”
Read more about the official launch from the Royal Borough of Greenwich: